Letters to the Forum from citizen's who want to share an informed opinion but have to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation.     E-mail us your story, opinion and other information; we will not release your info. to anyone.

Letter To The Bethany Circle of King's Daughters of Madison

Bethany Circles' latest (2013) IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, lists KDH's former President/CEO receiving $1,212,655 total yearly compensation.

This past Christmas marks the third straight year that KDH has discontinued its annual tradition of giving all of its unpaid volunteers a $25 gift certificate. While $25 is not much money to most of us, it meant a lot to those who counted on it for Christmas. The total of the annual $25 gift certificates cost KDH approximately $1800 per year. This amount represents the amount paid to your former President/CEO for working 3 hours and 7 minutes.

When KDH went through hard times with the downturn in the economy, layoffs and salary reductions/ freezes hit employees hard but the volunteers still received their annual $25 gift certificate.

Now that KDH has a new multi million dollar hospital and the economy has rebounded, KDH cannot find the funds to reward those who freely give their time to help others.

This example is a perfect contrast between the "HAVES" and the "HAVE NOT'S" here is sleepy little Madison. As Marie Antoinette was attributed to saying, "LET THEM EAT CAKE".

(There is no Board Members Memberships data available. )